Le deuxième confinement en France a commencé jeudi dernier. Comme le premier confinement, je passerai la durée chez moi en Bretagne. Cette fois le confinement est désormais moins strict. Les écoles (sauf les universités) restent ouvert, plus travailleurs peuvent travailler, plus magasins restent ouvert et, le plus important pour moi, les jardins, les parcs et les plages restent ouvert. Comme avant, quand on sort chez soi, on doit avoir un «attestation de déplacement dérogatoire. »
Once again, President Macron and the French government have imposed mandatory lockdown for the whole country in an effort to stem the alarming and spiraling number of Covid infections, hospitalisations and deaths brought about by the cooler weather. This time around, in an effort to lessen the economic impact, the restrictions are no quite so harsh. Schools, except for universities, remain open. Although working from home is encouraged, more workers who cannot work from home, are permitted to travel to their places of work. Although cafés, bars and restaurants are closed, the definition of “non-essential” business has been narrowed, so that more businesses can stay open. And most importantly for me, parks, gardens and beaches are open! As before, when we leave our homes, we are required to carry a signed, dated and time-stamped document stating the reason we are outside of our home: permitted reasons include going to work or school, shopping for essentials (food, medicine), medical appointments, visiting aged family or friends, and exercise, but no longer than 1 hour and not more than 1 kilometer from our home. The attestation is serious business. If you are "controlled" or stopped by a gendarme or other authority and you don't have it, the fine is 135€!

Certificate of travel exemption (rough translation)
Macron spoke last Wednesday evening and the new rules went into effect at midnight Thursday, October 29. Having gotten wind of what was coming Tuesday evening (rumors were flying like crazy!), I made a train reservation to Brittany for Thursday afternoon. Traffic in Paris Thursday was insane, but I took the metro to the train station and my trip to Guingamp was uneventful. So now I’ve got another time of confinement at La Croix Rouge. The initial period is until 1 December, but we all expect that it will be extended at least until the end of the year and possibly into 2021.
Day 1 I went to my favorite beach, Plage Bonaparte in Plouha, a 20-minute drive from my house. Although beaches are open this time around, strictly speaking, it's illegal for me to be walking at Bonaparte, as it is located more than 1 kilometer from my house (they all are). But it's such a secluded beach.....no boardwalk, homes or hotels.....just the cliffs and the GR-34. Also because the Toussaint holiday (HUGE in France) was ending this weekend, I knew enforcement was lax and decided to chance it. Well, I practically had the beach to myself, with nary a gendarme in sight. And it was a gorgeous sunny afternoon!

Just me and a lone jogger

In addition to walking, reading, Zooming with family and friends, and of course continuing the ever elusive conquest of the French language, I’ve created a “Reconfinement” gallery on my website where I’ll post one image every day for the duration of the confinement. Having completed my father’s letters project during the first confinement, my project for the second wave is designing, piecing and quilting small pieces as wall hangings.

Wall hanging for Paris apartment ready for quilting.....
And of course, more blog posts! Gotta stay positive and productive.
